Damon Duncan
Mr. Duncan has over 27 years of experience in affordable housing. He is the principal owner of Clesia Ventures, a minority owned real estate development and affordable housing consulting firm specializing in mixed-finance, mixed-use, elderly and multi-family development. Damon also serves as the president of Fox River Affordable Housing Corporation where he oversees the development efforts of the Housing Authority of Elgin, IL.
Katie Oatsvall
Ms. Oatsvall is the President & CEO of the Metro Tulsa Meals on Wheels whose mission is to provide nutritious meals, wellness checks, and caring contact to elderly, disabled homebound, and others in Tulsa and surrounding areas. The focus is on providing the support its seniors need to extend their independence and health as they age.
Tim Mahone
Mr. Mahone is the president and founder of Mahone Strategies, a public affairs firm offering government relations, civic and community engagement, corporate communications, crisis communications, and public relations services. He provides a wide range of intergovernmental relations and constituent outreach services.